Sunday, September 14, 2014

Formative assessments and GLO grades

This week I received a list of all of our students’ mid-quarter progress reports which showed me their grades, their GLO marks, as well as their teacher comments.  I was particularly interested in reviewing the names of students who received three or more “U” marks for GLO #1, Self-Directed Learner or GLO #2, Community Contributor, because Ms. Asahi and I are following up with each of those students and their parents.  These are students that we want to catch now before the official quarter 1 grade are posted because if they don’t turn it around, these students will go on behavior probation and have to clear grades and GLOs if they want to participate in any extra-curricular activities in quarter 2.  

However, I was struck by the number of students earning A and B grades who were also receiving “U” grades, mostly in GLO #2 Community Contributor.  This concerns me…. In conversations with these students, I’m reminding them that their job is to be a student and it’s their responsibility to make sure they’re doing all of their own work, turning it in on time, studying for tests and quizzes….. but at the same time being respectful of others around them – students and teachers.  School is much more than a grade on a report card.  By holding our students accountable for their GLO behavior, we’re teaching them to be self-reliant, responsible global citizens who are respectful, and cooperate and contribute to the greater good of our community.  These are life skills that they will take with them and use daily, long after they leave us at Waimea HS.  This is truly an example of “he wa’a, he moku; he moku, he wa’a” which is the philosophy we want all of our students to embrace.

Here are the announcements for this coming week:

Meetings/Activities this week:

Monday September 15, 2014
·         Before lunch – Ms. Asahi/Mrs. Anguay continue to call in students with 3+ U GLO grades. 

Tuesday September 16, 2014
·         ADVISORY – Anguay to meet with (31) 10th grade RTI students in the cafĂ©.  Teachers, please be sure to send students with call slips
·         1:45 pm – Faculty meeting in the LRC
·         Girls’ VB v. Island School.  Game at WHS gym with JV at 5 pm, varsity to follow 6:30 pm

Wednesday September 17, 2014
·         Anguay/Asahi in LRC doing SLO reviews  from 8 am until finished
·         3 pm, KIF Air riflery vs. Kauai HS, at Hanapepe Armory

Thursday September 18, 2014
·         KCC advisory visit with EVENS in G71. 
·         DH meeting during period 7
·         5:30 pm, KIF bowling at Lihue Lanes

Friday September 19, 2014
·         Anguay off campus at Lihue meeting – 11 am – 2 pm
·         Girls’ VB vs. Kapaa at Kapaa Gym.  JV game at 5 pm, varsity to follow 6:30 pm

Saturday September 20, 2014
·         8:30 am  KIF Cross Country
·         ** change in schedule: KIF football vs. Kapaa – NIGHT game at Vidinha Stadium:  JV at 5 pm, Varsity at 7:30 p  

Campus Supervision
Assigned campus area
Team 4
Team 4
Team 5
Team 5
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
Sept 15-17
Sept 18, 19
·         library

·         front lawn/outside cafe

·         S/T/U courtyard

·         AR room (ELA teachers)


Have a great week!

Mrs. Anguay  J