Sunday, September 27, 2015

Be sure your grades are up.....

Some people might say this has been an extremely l-o-n-g first quarter while others would argue the opposite.  Either way, quarter 1 ends this Friday, October 2nd.  Your student should have all work turned in to teachers prior to Friday in order for it to count towards his/her grade.  If you have any questions, please be sure to contact the teacher immediately for clarification as poor grades and more than 3 Unsatisfactory GLO marks overall will result in consequences for students wanting to participate in co-curricular activities like athletics and Homecoming.

On Wednesday, September 30th, all West Complex schools will be hosting an Internet Safety Parent Night at Eleele School.  The event starts at 5:30 pm and will feature speakers from the community and the Kauai Police Department.  Please come and join us.

Finally, please continue to come out to support and encourage our student athletes as they compete this week in air riflery, bowling, cross-country, girls’ VB, and football.

Take care and have a great week and a fabulous Fall Break everyone!

Mrs. Anguay J

1.       Fire inspection was rescheduled to this Thursday, October 1.  Please be sure your classroom/area is ready for KFD personnel when they come through that morning.  If you have any questions or concerns, please see Ms. Asahi as soon as possible

2.       Please be sure you have loaded up your IPDP (and SLO if applicable…) into PDE3 and notified Mahina via email by the Tuesday, September 29th deadline.   

3.       SPED teachers – your Tuesday (faculty) and Thursday (data) meetings this week will be with district personnel and Mrs. Taira in Mr. Baker’s room.

4.       West complex schools will be hosting an Internet Safety Night for parents on Wednesday, September 30 at Eleele School.  It starts at 5:30 pm in their cafeteria; all are invited to attend.

5.       KCC advisory visit on Thursday – MESSER.  Please keep your students in that day.

6.       Junior class meeting in gym on Thursday during Advisory period.

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Mon. 9/28
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
SSC, counselors, SRO, registrar, admin, Hina Mauka, Mokihana

Tue 9/29
1:45 – 2:45 p
All certificated staff EXCEPT sped teachers
Please bring laptops/devices

Tue 9/29
1:45 – 2:45 p
Baker’s room
SPED teachers
All SPED teachers, SSC
Thur 9/17
1:55 – 2:25p
DH to determine
Faculty data teams
All certificated staff

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Sept. 28, 29, 30
Oct. 1, 2
Assigned campus area
Team 2
Team 3
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)
B. Souza

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Some things to share.....

I wanted to share a link to Kauai Shining Stars, a monthly video show hosted by Sean Doi from the Kauai District Office.  Seven minutes into this month’s episode is an interview with two of our students, Hope Coyaso and Julia Hirano, who won first place in last spring’s Student Television Network Competition in San Diego.  Their video follows the interview.  Our digital media program is incredible and Ms. Evens works hard to create opportunities for students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls, putting them out in the community to practice their craft.  You see them streaming our KIF games and other events around Kauai, like the Waimea Town Celebration.

I’m also attaching a link to a story about our VidRoc students that’s posted on KHON2.   These students are in a Directed Studies math class and started working on their rockets over the summer on their own time with teacher Jerry Nishihira.  Their goal is to not only launch their rocket(s) successfully, but to figure out how they will transmit the real-time video of the launch, from the actual rocket.  They’ve launched a couple of times and have learned and recalibrated their rocket/design after each experience.  Engineers from PMRF have been helping to support the students and Mr. Nishihira.

Also, the official results for last spring’s Smarter Balanced Assessments were released this past week.  Our students and teachers have been working very hard and the results are promising.  Please check out our Facebook page, The Waimea High School, for more details.

Finally, please continue to come out to support and encourage our student athletes as they compete this week in air riflery, bowling, cross-country (Thursday 4:30 pm on campus and on Saturday), and girls’ VB; the football team takes on Kauai HS again on Saturday Sept. 26th at Hanapepe Stadium, afternoon game.

Take care and have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Anguay J

1.       Anguay out Tuesday (principal meeting) and Wednesday/Thursday/Friday for Bernhardt training with Taira, Evens, and Baker.  Ms. Asahi is in charge.
2.        Fire inspection is this Friday.  We had a pre-inspection last week and will be sharing the discrepancy list with you (if applicable). 
3.        Please bring your laptop/device with you to Tuesday and Thursday’s meetings in the LRC.
4.        If you are able to help with the cross-country meet on campus this Thursday, please let Dalton know asap.  We’re asking staff to be available from 4 pm.
5.       KCC advisory visit on Thursday – Kellogg.  Please keep your students in that day.

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Mon. 9/21
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
SSC, counselors, SRO, registrar, admin, Hina Mauka, Mokihana
Mon. 9/21
6 pm
SCC meeting
SCC members
Tue 9/15
1:45 – 2:45 p
All certificated staff
Please bring laptops/devices
Thur 9/17
1:55 – 2:25p
Faculty data teams
All certificated staff
Thur 9/17
6:30 pm
Messer room
Migrant Ed Parent Night
Muraoka, Admin, ME parents, Taala

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Sept. 21, 22
Sept. 23, 24, 25
Assigned campus area
Team 6
Team 1
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

3 weeks left in quarter 1!

We are rapidly nearing the end of quarter 1.  Students’ mid-quarter reports have already gone out; if you have any questions regarding your son’s/daughter’s grades please be sure to contact their teacher this week.  When I looked at the preliminary reports, most students who are not doing well have missing assignments and poor quiz or test scores.  Please encourage your student to be a self-directed learner and catch up, stay on top of his/her work, and seek help from teachers.

This week students will be taking a school climate survey during their Social Studies class.  This data will be used to update our comprehensive needs assessment report from Spring 2015; we will also use the information to assess areas of strength, concern, and the implications for our practice.  We will also be sending teams of teachers to WASC accreditation training and to the Victoria Bernhardt Data Training on Oahu.  We’re building our internal capacity by training more teachers in the gathering and interpretation of data; everyone that we send will be a contributing writer for our upcoming WASC visit in Spring 2017.  It’s going to take us most of this school year to go through the preliminary information gathering and draft writing.  Our Thursday extended meeting will be dedicated to taking all of our teachers through the first phase of this training.

Please continue to come out to support and encourage our student athletes as they compete this week in air riflery, bowling, cross-country and girls’ VB; the football team has the week off and will resume again the following Saturday (Sept. 26) at Hanapepe Stadium.

Take care and have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Anguay J

Monday, September 7, 2015

A great week for Waimea HS students and athletics!

Hopefully you saw coverage of our awesome Waimea Aloha Garden dedication last Wednesday on either Hawaii News Now with WHS alumni, Keahi Tucker, or read about it on The Garden Island.  Kudos to our hard-working students, community partners, and Mr. Harding who made it all possible!  Here’s a link to the Garden Island article:

I know there’s much more to school than sports/athletics but you have to admit – we had a great week!  All of our teams did well, starting with air riflery on Wednesday, bowling on Thursday, and cross-country Saturday morning.  Friday night’s football win over Kauai HS at Hanapepe Stadium was a cause for celebration for all of us die-hard Menehune supporters and then the girls’ varsity VB hard-fought battle and win over Kauai HS on Saturday night was the perfect way to end the week for anyone who bleeds blue!  J

Important announcements:
·         Parents of seniors who missed the earlier mandatory parent meeting – you have a make up meeting with Mrs. G and myself this Wednesday night at 6:30 in the LRC. 
·         Students are taking pictures this Wednesday and Thursday in their Social Studies classes.  Your son/daughter should have come home with an envelope for ordering pictures; please check.
·         There’s still opening in the WAFF golf tournament this Saturday and there’s still a few tickets available for the evening dinner that starts at 5:30 pm on the front lawn.  This is a fundraiser for the WAFF scholarship fund and the WHS golf team; your donation directly helps our students and school.  For more information, please call me at school 338-6800.

Take care and have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Anguay J

1.        School pictures will be taken this Wednesday and Thursday during SS classes.  Here’s the original email from Mr. Toma:

It will take place September 9th (Wednesday) and 10th (Thursday) during all periods in Mr. Matsuyama's room, B10A. Students will go during their social studies classes. If you have any students who do NOT have a social studies class, please inform/remind them that they need to get their picture taken during advisory/study hall. MTV will make daily announcements also reminding students about when and where to go.

Non-social-studies teachers will also have an opportunity to take your picture during your prep period. Support staff will have pictures taken in groups (cafeteria workers, custodial staff, etc). Please make a conscious effort to take your picture as we would love to and want to include everyone in the yearbook!

2.        Mandatory Senior Parent Meeting – Make up for those who missed the earlier meeting will be held on Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the LRC.  Parents must attend if their son or daughter is planning to participate in Commencement Exercises (walk at Graduation) in May

3.        We are actively trying to track down families whose free or reduced lunch status may end by September 10th.  Ms. Asahi is calling in individual students/families to help them process their application ASAP.  Please help us help our students!

4.       KIF sports this week – air riflery on Wednesday, girls VB on Wednesday and Saturday, bowling on Thursday, football on Friday, cross country on Saturday.  Please come out and support our student athletes!

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Tue 9/8
1:45 – 2:45 p
CTE department
ALL teachers who teach a CTE class – Evens, Souza, Uyehara, Saligumba, Altomare, Harding, Freitag, Matsuyama, Kajiwara

Tue 9/8
1:45 – 2:45 p
By department; set by DH
Department meeting time
All other teachers
Thur 9/10
12:20 – 1:30
DH meeting
DH, SSC, Baker, Asahi, Russell
Thur 9/10
1:45 – 2:20
By department
Department meeting time—agenda set by Anguay and DH
All teachers

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Sept. 8, 9
Sept. 10, 11
Assigned campus area
Team 3
Team 4
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)