Sunday, October 25, 2015

Celebrations and an important notice about lunch loans.....

We have a lot of cool things to celebrate that Waimea HS, students, and staff was recognized for recently:

·         We started our Ho’okipa program that is putting students out into the local business community, gaining valuable work experience, skills, and a paycheck (!) before graduation
·         Mr. Nishihira’s Vid/Roc students were visited by Waimea alum, Senator Ron Kouchi, last Friday.  Students shared their project, rockets, and goals with the Senator… and got a few pictures in too
·         Algebra 1 teacher and owner of Jojo’s Shave Ice, Mrs. Joanne Acoba, received the Kauai and State Employer of the Year award from the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation!!  Congratulations Jojo!!
·         Waimea HS was recognized by the Department of Education this week for our graduation rate and improvement in 11th grade ACT scores

Check out our school’s official Facebook page at
so you can read more about each of these things and see some pictures too.

I need to let everyone know that we will no longer be extending lunch loans to students who do not have enough money in their accounts to purchase meals.  Please be sure to monitor your child’s account and keep enough money in there so he/she can eat in the cafeteria as we will not allow students to take a plate if there’s not enough money in the account to cover the cost.  For your reference, lunch costs $2.50 for students who pay full price, $0.40 for those on reduced.  Students can come to the office during non-instructional time to put money into their accounts; please allow one day processing time.  This has been the WHS policy for several years and it’s noted in the student planner.  We lifted it temporarily this at the beginning of this year as there were changes in how the state transferred over accounts from one school to another (i.e. middle to high school).  However, beginning this week we will not serve a student if there’s not enough money in their account.  Thank you.

Have a good week everyone. 

Mrs. Anguay   J

100+ students are at College Fair on Monday; please take regular attendance and mark students absent if they’re not in class.  Mrs. Keala will update at the end of the day when she receives the actual attendance from the chaperones.

Anguay out Tuesday at principal meeting; Asahi out on Thursday at VP meeting

Extended faculty meeting this Tuesday; department data team meeting on Thursday

KCC advisory visit this week – STENGEL…. Please keep your students in during advisory on THURSDAY

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Tue 10/20

EXTENDED faculty
All staff – Please bring laptops/devices

Thur 10/22
2:00 – 2:30 p
DH classroom
Department Data teams
All staff
DH submit minutes/attendance to Baker

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Oct. 26
Oct. 27, 28, 29
Oct. 30
Assigned campus area
Team 6
Team 1
Team 2
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)
B. Souza

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Google and math training plus a visit by the CAS this week.....

Just repeating a reminder from last week (because it's super important) --- the second quarter is a shorter than the others with several holidays breaking up the school weeks.  Please remind your student to stay on top of his or her assignments, including AR reading for all English classes AND Achieve3000 articles for all classes (except math).  These are school wide expectations for all students as research shows that students who read well perform better and have great success.  In reviewing student grades for quarter 1, I noticed that most students who completed their AR and Achieve articles are not only doing well in class, they’re also showing growth in their Lexile levels.  We are trying to push all of our students to reach 1185 Lexile by the time they graduate as that is the mark for being college, career and community ready.  Where is your student at in relationship to that mark?That’s a good conversation to have with him or her.

We're beginning to organize teachers, staff, and students/parents for our accreditation visit next Spring 2017.   Everyone is assigned to two groups -- a Home Group, which is their department, and a Focus Group, which will focus on instruction, curriculum, or assessment. This week, I'm also going to start working with classes who will be our focus groups for the student voice in our report.  We'll be sending out invitations to parents to also participate and contribute their insight -- please be on the lookout for those notices.

Finally, congratulations to our student athletes who have qualified for state competition!
  • the girls' air riflery team, who took KIF champs, and individual qualifier Keane Caberto. 
  • from the bowling team, Daleijah Campos-Banasihan and Kailen Pablo-Otoman, who took the girls' and boys' individual KIF titles
  • from the boys' cross country team -- Devon Hartsell, Marcus Pereira, and Kekoa Kimata-Lopez

Have a good week everyone. 

Mrs. Anguay    J

GAFE training with staff from OISS this Tuesday, October 20. 
·         Please report to either Baker’s classroom or S-104 lab during the period you’ve been assigned.
·         Please leave a lesson plan for the sub who will cover your class
·         Please bring your laptop if you’re assigned to Baker’s class for training

CAS and District personnel walking through each classroom this Thursday, October 22 using the walkthrough form shared last week.  They’ll be here from 8:30 am

Wes Yuu on campus this Thursday and Friday for math teacher training.

KCC advisory visit this week – SHIGEMATSU…. Please keep your students in during advisory on THURSDAY

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Mon. 10/19
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
SSC, counselors, SRO, registrar, admin, Hina Mauka, Mokihana

Tue 10/20
All day
Baker’s room OR S104 lab
GAFE training
All staff – please show up at the period you’ve been assigned

Tue 10/20
1:45 – 3:45 p
EXTENDED faculty
All certificated staff
Please bring laptops/devices

Thur 10/22
2:00 – 2:30 p
DH classroom
Department Data teams
All staff
DH submit minutes/attendance to Baker

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Oct. 19, 20, 21
Oct. 22, 23
Assigned campus area
Team 5
Team 6
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
K. Souza
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Homecoming and welcome back!

Students are returning back to school just in time for a fun-filled week of Homecoming activities, including dress up days, noon time rallies, powder puff football game and assembly on Friday, all leading up to Saturday’s game at 2:30 pm against Kauai High at the Hanapepe Stadium.

This week’s dress up days includes:

  • Monday -- “Sam I am Monday”
  • Tuesday -- “Tim Man Tuesday”
  • Wednesday -- “Wipe Out Wednesday”
  • Friday -- “Frosted Friday” and “Powder Puff”

Second quarter is a little shorter than the others with several holidays breaking up the school weeks.  Please remind your student to stay on top of his or her assignments, including AR reading for all English classes AND Achieve3000 articles for all classes (except math).  These are school wide expectations for all students as research shows that students who read well perform better and have great success.  In reviewing student grades for quarter 1, I noticed that most students who completed their AR and Achieve articles are not only doing well in class, they’re also showing growth in their Lexile levels.  We are trying to push all of our students to reach 1185 Lexile by the time they graduate as that is the mark for being college and career ready.  Where is your student at in relationship to that mark? That’s a good conversation to have with him or her.

Our fall student athletes are winding down their seasons.  Congratulations to the girls’ air riflery team for taking the KIF title and qualifying for states!  Bowling, cross country, and air riflery compete KIF competition this week.  Girls VB have two big games this week --- they play Kauai HS at home on Tuesday and then travel to Kapaa on Friday.  They’ll need to win both to force a playoff for a state berth.  Finally, our football boys take on Kauai HS on Saturday at Hanapepe Stadium.  Please come out and support our teams!

Have a good week everyone.

Mrs. Anguay J

HOMECOMING WEEK – special bell schedule AND noon time rally scheduled for each day…. Please refer to electronic or hard copy of schedules sent out by Mr. Pereira before the Fall Break:
·         Monday – “Sam I Am Monday”
·         Tuesday – “Tin Man Tuesday”
·         Wednesday – “Wipe Out Wednesday”
·         Friday – “Frosted Friday (Homecoming Assembly)” and “Powder Puff FB game”
·         Saturday – Homecoming Game @ Hanapepe Stadium

Quarter 1 grades are due to Wendi by Friday, October 16.  Please be sure you meet this deadline.

9th grade ELA teachers (Ibara, Mitsis, Erdmann) are launching Leadership Kauai this week….thank you to all three for implementing and integrating this program with their students!

Thursday is Teacher Institute Day – no school for students; teachers and admin will be at their respective professional development workshops

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Mon. 10/12
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
SSC, counselors, SRO, registrar, admin, Hina Mauka, Mokihana

Tue 10/13
12:20 P
DH meeting
All DH, SSC, registrar, Baker

Tue 10/13
1:45 – 2:45 p
All certificated staff
Please bring laptops/devices

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Oct. 12
Oct. 13, 14, 16
Assigned campus area
Team 3
Team 4
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)