Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lots of sports, the WAFF Carnival, and more info about Smarter Balanced Assessments.....

Our staff continues to receive professional development on the new SBAC test coming up in April.  If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to read the flyer sent home last week that was sent out by Superintendent Matayoshi.  If for some reason your son/daughter didn’t bring one home, you can still get important information by following the directions below:

·         Put your curser on the links that follow (in blue) and hit CTL + Click to get to these sites 
·         The SBAC site  has some great information. If you click on Smarter Balanced Assessments, you will find the practice tests and sample items in the drop down menu. The DOE also has a site with even more SBAC information that links out to an AlohaHSP web-site with practice tests. 

As you go through the various sites, you’ll immediately notice how different the Smarter Balanced Assessment will be from any other test our students have taken.  The high school version of this test will take 8 hours to complete!   It will require our students to persevere and not give up.  We will break the test into several days but it will still require intense focus and stamina by each student.  Juniors will be taking the test but even if your student is not a junior, I highly recommend that you visit these sites.  The states that have already taken the Smarter Balanced Assessment have noticed a huge drop in proficiency rates from previous years.  Our DOE is working hard to get the word out to parents and the public that these lower scores don’t necessarily mean our students or schools are failing.  The Smarter Balanced Assessment is a completely different test that cannot be compared directly with the previous HSA test or recorded scores by students/schools.  If you have any questions, please call the school and speak to our counselors, Ms. Asahi or myself.

We have a ton of sports again this week and the WAFF carnival that will be held on our front lawn this Friday and Saturday.  Please come out and support the WAFF as they are a great support for our teachers and school.

Have a great week everyone; here’s your announcements.

Mrs. Anguay  J

Staff Bulletin for week of February 2, 2015

Monday February 2, 2015
·         Anguay – observations 8 am, 8:30, 10, 11:30 am

Tuesday February 3, 2015
·         1:45 – 3:45 pm: Extended Faculty Meeting.  Susan Saka and Health Survey Presentation at 2:40 – 3 pm, introduction to Academic Plan 2015-16 by Priority Strategy/DH lead
·         5:30 pm – PTSA meeting at R 101
·         6 – 8:30 pm – LRC open for students and credit recovery; math tutor available
·         6:30 pm – WAFF meeting at Waimea NC

Wednesday February 4, 2015
·         Anguay – observation 12 pm
·         5 pm, Varsity Girls soccer v. Kauai HS @ Vidinha Stadium
·         7 pm, Varsity Boys soccer v. Kauai HS @ Vidinha Stadium

Thursday February 5, 2015
·         Anguay Observation 10 am
·         Ice cream social for 2nd quarter students with 3.0 and no U marks
·         KCC advisory visit to Matsuyama advisory 
·         2:45 pm, After school tutoring with Mrs. Acoba
·         5 pm JV Girls soccer v. Kauai HS at Vidinha Stadium
·         6:45 pm, JV Boys soccer v. Kauai HS at Vidinha Stadium ** time change
·         6 – 8:30 pm – LRC open for students and credit recovery; math tutor available

Friday February 6, 2015 – WAFF Carnival on Front Lawn
·         Special Assembly Schedule – “Operation Sammy”
·         Counselors on Oahu for training all day
·         8:30 – 12 pm:  CPI training
·         5:30 pm, Girls BB v. Island School at Waimea.  JV game first, then varsity
·         5:30 pm, Boys’ BB v. Kapaa at Waimea.  JV game first, then varsity

Saturday February 7, 2015 – WAFF Carnival on Front Lawn
·         10 am – KIF Swimming Championship at YMCA Pool
·         10 am – KIF Wrestling at Kauai HS
·         10 am Soccer v. Island School @ Hanapepe Stadium
o   Start with Varsity Girls at 10, Varsity Boys at 12 pm
·         5:30 pm, Boy’s BB at Waimea Gym.  JV game first, then varsity

Campus Supervision
Assigned campus area
Team 4
Team 4
Team 5
Team 5
Team 6
Team 6
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
Feb. 2
Feb. 3, 4, 5
Feb. 6
·         library



·         front lawn/outside cafe



·         S/T/U courtyard



·         AR room (ELA teachers)


