Sunday, August 30, 2015

Performance Tasks, DefinedStem, and a Clear STREAM….

Teachers spent last Thursday (extended meeting) and Friday (all day professional development day) learning about performance tasks (PT) and how they are an excellent tool to help further prepare our students to be college and career ready.  Performance tasks encourage students to look at issues or challenges and challenge them to ‘go deep’ and think critically, work collaboratively, and work with multiple standards across multiple content areas to come up with solutions.  Teachers were introduced to and played around with a fantastic resource,, that contains PT for a wide variety of content with multi-media pieces linked in.  Then on Friday, we circled back to our school’s strategic plan, STREAM, and sent teachers out into our Westside community to nine different sites, ranging from the Port Allen business area to the Kekaha dump and the old Kekaha Sugar Mill.  Teachers were grouped with others from different departments and were instructed to create interdisciplinary instructional PT using a planning guide created by our district SRS, Lisa Mireles.  They had 2 ½ hours to create their lessons and then returned to campus and shared them out with the rest of the faculty.  It was a great way to spend our Professional Development Day and it also allowed all of us to improve our technology skills, especially with Google apps!  All teachers will be required to implement at least one PT this school year and will share their results at a faculty meeting.

KIF seasons for football, bowling, air riflery, bowling, and girls’ volleyball open this week… please check the calendar to the right (Student Activities/Athletics) to see when/where our student athletes will be competing this week.  Go Big Blue!

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Anguay J

1.       Please be sure to follow news reports re: Hurricane Ignacio and be sure your family/home plans are in place. 

2.       Wednesday 9 am is the Garden Blessing.  Students in Harding’s classes have been given passes to attend; they should show their pass and/or notify their period 1 and advisory teacher on Monday or Tuesday that they will need to be excused at 8:50 on Wednesday and will be at the blessing instead of going to advisory.  Their pass will be collected at the Garden on Wednesday for attendance.  Students with passes BUT who have been assigned to HW detention on Wednesday need to report to HW detention instead.

Hula students will be performing at Wednesday’s ceremony and Broadcast/Yearbook students will be covering the event.  They may attend; their names will be shared with teachers via LN.

3.       KIF sports kick off this week – 1st games for girls VB (Wednesday and Saturday), air riflery (Wednesday),  bowling (Thursday) and football (Friday).  Please refer to Student Activities/Athletics calendar sent out earlier for you to add

4.       Anyone interested in playing in the WAFF golf tournament on September 12?  Please come and see me… I have entry forms.  Thanks

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
Counselors, SSC, SRO, Mokihana, admin
1:45 – 3:45
EXTENDED faculty
Teachers, counselors, SSC, registrar
1:45 – 2:20
On own
Dept/Data teams
All teachers

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Aug 31
Sept. 1, 2, 3
Sept. 4
Assigned campus area
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)
B. Souza

Friday, August 21, 2015

Kilo and Parent Meetings this week....

This is another 4-day week for students.... we have a complex wide professional development day on Friday August 28th so NO SCHOOL for students that day.  I've added another calendar to the blog from WHS Student Government -- it notes activities and athletics through the first quarter.  It will be updated throughout the year.

Keep an eye on Kilo everyone..... stay tuned for any updates.

Have a good week!

Mrs, Anguay  :)

1.       Please keep a close eye on the approaching storm Kilo and prepare your homes and property accordingly. 
2.        High Tech Youth staff, Keu and Shane, will be on campus this week helping to build computers and prep Ms. Evens’ classroom.  A list of students who need to be excused on Monday was sent out earlier; students are responsible for all work missed.
3.        We have Parent Meetings scheduled this week on Wednesday, and Thursday nights.  Wednesday is the ELL Parent Night in the LRC at 6 pm; Thursday is the mandatory Senior Parent Night in the band room at 6:30 pm. 
4.        Friday is our West Complex PD Day – we will start in the LRC at 7:45 am and will finish at 2:45 pm.  Please bring your laptops, pacing guides, and standards with you.

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
1:45-2:45 pm
Faculty meeting
Teachers, counselors, SSC, Russell
12:20 – 1:30 pm
DH meeting
DH, SSC, Baker, Asahi, Russell
1:45-3:45 pm
EXTENDED faculty meeting
Teachers, counselors, SSC, Russell
7:45a– 2:45p
West Complex PD Day
Teachers, counselors, SSC, Russell

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Aug 24, 25
Aug 26, 27
Assigned campus area
Team 6
Team 1
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Open House/Title 1 Parent Meeting - Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We had a great visit with the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and Kauai Superintendent Arakaki yesterday.  They ate lunch in the cafe and visited several classrooms to check out what students and teachers were doing; they stopped by the LRC to see the seven new computer carts that we're getting ready to deploy with  Chromebooks and ipads as part of our Future Ready implementation plan.  Here's a picture of Mr. Nishihira's rocketry students with our visitors.

This week Wednesday is Open House.  We have a few things going on before the actual Title 1 Parent Meeting begins at 5:55 pm; please come and join us and meet your son or daughter's teachers.

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs. Anguay

1.       No faculty or data meetings this week – time being given back to teachers because of Open House and parents visiting on Wednesday 8/19.  Please be here that afternoon/evening and be available in your classrooms to speak with parents.  See schedule below.

2.       Visitors on campus this week – Senator Kouchi on Monday 8/17 at 10 am; BOE Board Member Mrs. Maggie Cox on Thursday 8/20.  I’m trying to confirm the time she’ll be here as she would like to walk through and see some classes.  We’ll let you know if she will be visiting your class.

3.       Tuesday – B. Souza, Erdmann, Ibara, Toma, Klein, Baker – at WCMS for SLO training

4.       TAUG final make up – Tuesday during Advisory in Baker’s room (S104).  Please send any student who missed the original/make up session from your PERIOD 5 class with a pass to Anguay. 

5.       Achieve3000 training on Wednesday – please see Mr. Baker’s email to see when you are scheduled to attend/sub goes to your class to cover  your period

6.       Thursday – Math teachers with Wes Yuu; will be in individual classrooms

7.       Thursday 7 pm – Positive Coaching for Coaches and Student-Athletes.  At gym and Band Room.


What’s happening
4:30 pm
Book Fair opens in the LRC.  Hosted by National Honor Society students and advisor, Mrs. Ishida.  Stop by and check out the selection of books available for purchase
5:00 pm
Session #1 of Achieve3000 in S104.  Our representative from Achieve will be here to do two informational sessions this evening with parents and to help parents sign up for their accounts.  If you haven’t attended a session before, please stop by to learn about an important program that all students at WHS participate in
5:30 pm
Sign in for parents opens up at the band room
JROTC students will be doing parent surveys with ipads all evening.  Please take a few minutes to help us gather data from our stakeholders
5:55 pm
Presentation begins – sharing of our Title 1 status, data, changes at WHS
6:15 pm
Dismissal to visit classrooms or
Session #2 of Achieve3000 in S104
Parents continue to complete surveys with JROTC cadets as they walk around
6:55 pm
Ring bell for grade level meetings – announcement over PA
7:00 pm
Grade level parent meetings with counselors and admin:
·         9th grade meeting in band room
·         10th grade meeting in S101 (O’Day’s room)
·         11th grade meeting in cafeteria

*** 12th grade parent meeting scheduled for August 27, 2015 @ 6:30 pm, band room

Scheduled Meetings:
What meeting?
Who attends?
Mon 8/17
1 pm
Baker’s room
CORE team
SSC, Counselors, Admin, SRO, Mokihana
Wed 8/19
All day
Baker’s room
Achieve3000 training
Teachers assigned as per Baker’s memo
Wed 8/19

Open House
Teachers, counselors, admin

Campus Supervision:
Assigned Date of Supervision
Aug 17, 18, 19
Aug 20
Assigned campus area
Team 5
Team 6
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
·         library
K. Souza
·         front lawn/outside cafe
·         S/T/U courtyard
·         AR room (ELA teachers)