Monday, February 16, 2015

Mid quarter 3 blues....

Yes, mid quarter 3 blues is setting in with students.  It gets difficult around this time of year to stay focused on academic goals... teachers are noticing an increased number of students who are not doing their own work and are cheating, turning in work of other students or from the internet.  This is unacceptable.  We don't want our students to short-change themselves or their education.  Often students don't care about the 'learning'... they just want a good grade.  How do we change this?  How do we get our students motivated to learn and to do the hard work necessary to ensure this happens?  This is a question we're wrestling with as a staff while we craft our academic plan for next year; it will be a major focus for our school over the next several years.  We need our students to value being college and career ready by the time they graduate from Waimea HS.  We need the help of every adult associated with Waimea HS students-- parents, coaches, and community members.  This is a kakou thing.

A few reminders:

·         This week Wednesday we will be visited by Duke University’s Darwin Road Show (February 18).  In two weeks we have ACT testing and early release day/Senior Picnic on Marcy 3rd; then we go on Spring Break from March 14 – 22. 

·         Teachers have posted students’ mid-quarter 3 grades and comments; you should be getting your copy soon.  Please be sure to help stay on top of your student academically as we start heading towards the end of the school year.  Ms. Asahi , Mrs. Taira and I are still calling in students with 3 or more U GLO grades from first semester/second quarter and are having conversations with them on how they can improve their grades and behavior.

·         We are also doing a smoked meat fundraiser to help defray costs for our “Not Even Once” mural project next month.  For $10 you get a one pound bag of “Ata’s Original Smoke Meat” that you can eat right away or freeze to share later with family and friends.  Please support our efforts to sell 300 bags during the month of February.  Pick up will be on Saturday March 7th from 10 am – 1 pm at the Waimea Canyon Park.  You can contact PCNC Eula Taala or the school office if you are interested in purchasing tickets.

Have a great week everyone; here’s your announcements.

Mrs. Anguay  J

Staff Bulletin for week of February 17, 2015

Tuesday February 17, 2015
·         Anguay conferences – 8 am, 8:30 am (CTE monitoring visit), 9:30 am
·         1:45 – 3:45 pm:  Extended Faculty Meeting--- ACT test prep for teachers/students, continue with Academic Plan SY 2015-16 collaborative work
·         6 – 8:30 pm – LRC open for students and credit recovery; math tutor available

Wednesday February 18, 2015:  Duke University Darwin Roadshow on campus (Baker’s classes), evening activity
·         Anguay – observations/conference 7:45 am, 1:30 p
·         5:30 pm, Darwin Roadshow event

Thursday February 19, 2015
·         Anguay off island
·         Advisory period – grades 9-11 students do “bubbling” for ACT test.  NO KCC visit by Gary Ellwood
·         6 – 8:30 pm – LRC open for students and credit recovery; math tutor available

Friday February 20, 2015
·         Whale watching -- Science students off campus in 2 waves; see Ms. Barber’s email from Friday 2/13
·         Advisory – all 9th graders do SQS,  HI Tech Youth Survey, Health Survey
·         Anguay – meeting 8:30 am; off campus from lunch at KCC

Saturday February 21, 2015
·         10 am – KIF Championship for Wrestling at Island School

NEXT WEEK—Anti-Bullying week with special schedules/activities on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Campus Supervision
Assigned campus area
Team 2
Team 2
Team 3
Team 3
·         Upper campus (preschool/J/I)
Feb. 17, 18, 19
Feb. 20
Acoba Messer
·         library


·         front lawn/outside cafe


·         S/T/U courtyard


·         AR room (ELA teachers)

